
West Cornwall HealthWatch

Health and Social Care at risk in Cornwall

Is the Sustainability and Transformation Plan really a programme to Slash, Trash and Privatize the NHS? A report from West Cornwall HealthWatch.
West Cornwall HealthWatch

Cornwall STP from planning to implementation, a presentation

Cornwall STP - a presentation at the Leeds Conference, titled from Planning to Implementation, on Dec 1st 2016, by Joyce Redfearn. Independent Chair of Cornwall Transformation Board.
West Cornwall HealthWatch

Nuffield evaluation of the reducing winter pressures fund

Nuffield evauation of the reducing winter pressures fund, including the East Cornwall Living Well project.
West Cornwall HealthWatch

Fractured NHS conference held in Truro 26.10.16

A conference held in Truro Oct 2016 about the STP and state of NHS. Speakers, Jim McKenna, Rik Evans, Andrew George, Kathy Byrne
West Cornwall HealthWatch

Evidence about the reconfiguration of Clinical Services

The reconfiguration of clinical Services. What is the evidence? The Kings Fund.
West Cornwall HealthWatch

STPs explained (The Kings Fund)

STPs explained - a report from the Kings Fund
West Cornwall HealthWatch

Q & A around STPs

Q & A around STPs. An NHS document
West Cornwall HealthWatch

Engaging local people (STPs)

An NHS guide for areas developing Sustainability and Transformation Plans.
West Cornwall HealthWatch

Over ambitious STPs

Over ambitious STPs risk blowing up due to funding shortfall
West Cornwall HealthWatch

Where now for 'Living Well' in Cornwall?

West Cornwall HealthWatch, Living Well Project - examination of funding
