How to get better value for money from Cornwall's NHS hospitals

By Dr Peter Levin
Before health and social care services can be successfully integrated the NHS needs to get its own house in order. A new report identifies what is needed. It sets out eight challenges that the NHS leadership must rise to if we are to get better value for the money that we spend on the NHS: a better service for patients and a better working environment for staff.
The eight challenges facing the NHS leadership
1. To find out how the hospital system works.
2. To explain why there are inappropriate admissions to hospital
3. To uncover the causes of delayed transfers of care.
4. To explain variations in the effectiveness of community hospitals.
5. To discover why elderly people decline quickly in hospitals
6. To re-imagine the role of community hospitals.
7. To make best use of therapists time.
8. To establish and encourage teamwork in hospitals and community services.
Read the full report.