West Cornwall HealthWatch committee elected to serve March 2017 - March 2018
Chairman - Jane Varker - worked as a Biomedical Scientist in the NHS for well over 30 years, at Treliske, Poole and Penzance. She retired from her position as Chief Biomedical Scientist in the Pathology Department at West Cornwall Hospital, Penzance in 2006.
Secretary - Marna Blundy
Treasurer - Jennifer Paling
- Lesley Brooke
- John Forsyth
- Jill George
- Rob Gough
- John Graver
- Kath Maguire
- Terry Murray
- John Rudge
- Graham Webster
- Jan Williams - lives in Newlyn and has worked all over Kernow as an NHS pysiotherapist, from the mid 1970s until 2016. She has experienced many changes and re-organisations, both as a clinician and as a Union Rep, and Chair of Staff Sides. She remains passionate about the need for a properly publicly funded Health and Social Care Service, which truly meets the needs of Cornish residents.
- Peter Levin

Peter Levin started his working life as a physicist, gaining his PhD at Imperial College London for his study of the oxidation of magnesium. His work took him to Harlow new town, where he became interested in the planning of new towns, and subsequently moved across to the social sciences, doing research into town planning and then teaching social policy at the London School of Economics, which he did for 25 years. In Harlow he helped to start one of the first local consumer groups in the UK, and back in London his consumer research projects included an investigation into the disconnection practices of the London Electricity Board. He is the author of Making Social Policy: The Mechanisms of Government and Politics and How to Investigate Them (1997). He came to live in Penzance in 2005, and is looking forward to being regarded as a 'transplant' rather than an 'incomer'.

Secretary - Marna Blundy - has lived in Cornwall for 38 years, and with her husband has raised five sons in far west Penwith. A retired school music teacher, she has been involved in campaigning for the local NHS ever since the closure of Bolitho Maternity Home thirty years ago and, together with the then Mayor of Penzance, initiated a group which became West Cornwall HealthWatch almost twenty years ago.