Wednesday 4th December 2013
Well, there are no surprises here, but I am disappointed, and very concerned for the residents of West Penwith. It is now even more vital that people take an active part in the consultation exercise which is about to begin.
The views of West Cornwall HealthWatch on Poltair are well known. We believe that there is insufficient bed capacity in the community hospital sector, which has contributed to the problems experienced by the acute sector (Treliske).
We also believe that not all patients can safely and adequately be cared for in their own homes, where home care is simply not in place - and will not be without truly massive investment.
And we are fearful that such measures will lead to further privatisation of what should be NHS provision. I note that options involving a new build or reopening 10 beds have been discounted on grounds of 'affordability'. Frankly, we can't afford NOT to consider these. To deliver adequate care to the growing numbers of frail elderly people who need it IS going to cost a lot of money - we have no other option.
Marna Blundy