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West Cornwall HealthWatch
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Cornwall's STP. Why we need to see what's going on.
Cornwall's STP. Why we need to see what's going on.
An analysis by Dr Peter Levin of how the planning for Cornwall's STP is proceeding and why the public should be worried.
Don't close community beds : turn them into re-ablement centres
Six bungles and no funeral: The short life, unmourned death and high cost of Cornwall's Sustainability and Transformation Plan for the NHS
West Cornwall HealthWatch response to the proposed Accountable Care Accord
NHS Cornwall poised to close Minor Injury Units by Peter Levin
Minor Injuries Units in Cornwall - 'Absolutely no decisions have been made - which means what exactly? Peter Levin
An Accountable Care System for Cornwall: an exercise in empire-building, by Peter Levin
Five kinds of nonsense are keeping a community hospital closed
The Naylor Report reviewed by West Cornwall HealthWatch
Cornwall's STP. Why we need to see what's going on.
Community Hospitals under threat
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